Sunday 2 June 2013


Clinically detected intussusception is usually associated with a lead point and will likely proceed to surgery. Intussusception detected incidentally at CT,with no clinical signs or symptoms and less than 3.5 cm in length is typically self limiting and of no clinical significance.

Thursday 8 November 2012

Endoleak types

Endoleaks occurs when an aneurymal sac continues to be presurised despite endoluminal stent placement. There are five types of endoleaks:
  • type 1 : leak at graft ends (inadequate seal)
    • 1A : proximal
    • 1B : distal
    • 1C : iliac occluder
  • type 2 : sac filling via branch vessel (eg lumbar or inferior mesenteric artery)
    • most common (80%)
    • sometimes referred to as a "retroleak"
    • enthusiastic examiners sometimes ask for the eponymous name of the large collateral artery between the IMA and SMA = Riolan's arch.
    • most spontaneously resolve and require no treatment.
    • 2A : single vessel
    • 2B : two vessels or more
  • type 3 : leak through a defect in graft fabric (mechanical failure of graft)
    • 3A : junctional separation of the modular components
    • 3B : fractures or holes involving the endograft
  • type 4 : a generally porous graft (intentional design of graft)
  • type 5 : endotension


Monday 5 November 2012

Distal radius measurements

Radial length:  10-13 mm

Radial angle:  21-25 degrees

Radial tilt:  11 degrees

Remember the number 11.
Length = 11; tilt = 11, angle = 11x2.

Adrenal lesion characterization

CXR Report Macro




Lungs and pleural spaces are clear. No mediastinal or hilar lymph adenopathy. The cardiomediastinal silhouette is normal. No osseous lesions.


Normal CXR, or
No acute intra-thoracic abnormality.

Tuesday 29 May 2012

Consensus Panel Gray-Scale and Doppler US Criteria for Diagnosis of ICA Stenosis

* Plaque estimate (diameter reduction) with gray-scale and color Doppler US.


Grant EG, Benson CB, Moneta GL, et al. Carotid artery stenosis: gray-scale and Doppler US diagnosis - Society of Radiologists in Ultrasound Consensus Conference. Radiology 2003;229(2):340-346.